Friday, May 30, 2008

RSS - The Wave of the Future

I was exposed to RSS before but I never actually used it to my benefit. Before I would go to different websites to read the news and other articles. Now it's all in one place. No more remembering different URLs and hunting for different sources for news. Now I just go to one place and all my favorites are there.

This saves time and time is money. I'm spending less time now so I am gaining something valuable here - more time to spend with family and friends.

You can go to to see mine.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Technology: Friend or Foe

Technology is my best friend. I have a PDA that holds my contact information, appointments, and other important information at my fingertip. I can browse the Internet, download things, and it has a voice recorder. And it can only be accessed with my fingerprint. My cell phone has some of that information and it can take pictures or short videos. Laptops are the best because it's mobile and it sure did come in handy while attending college.

Technology is my worst enemy. I have to constantly charge and sync my PDA. God forbid if the battery is dead and I can't retrieve any data. My cell phone is hooked to my waist all day and night until I go to bed. Then it is on my nightstand on a cell phone stand. There are 4 laptops at home that needs to updated with the latest and greatest of you name it, and it must get done.

Whatever you use technology for, whether for business or pleasure or both, always remember to have a backup and save and save. You never know when the lights will go out and you can't retrieve any information. Or you can just move to a remote location where there's no TV, phone, Internet, or newspapers. I would love to go to such a place even if it's only a dream.


Originally uploaded by KameraAssault
Even though this is one of the most common orchid (phalaenopsis) to sell commercially - it is available virtually everywhere - I chose this picture because the photographer tried to capture both the picture and the plant. Most pictures only reflect the actual orchid or part of the orchid, but this photographer tried to mimic the picture.
(Click on orchids or go to

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How blogging can be used in libraries

Here is my top 3 reasons why libraries should blog:
  1. To disseminate information to the masses quickly (in real time, and it's FREE)
  2. To gather public opinion
  3. To provide a separate forum for adults and youth services

#1 provides another media to advertise library services and news for free.

#2 provides another way to obtain public opinion. How many people actually visit the library's website and is able to post comments? It is better than a survey because you have already chosen what answers are available in the survey. You will get a better, honest feedback from the community.

#3 provides patrons to communicate with other patrons and with the library. The library would assign someone to that blog site to filter any inappropriate material. You can have book discussions, special upcoming events, and any other events on the site.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

Since this is my very first blog, I am learning something new. I've never blogged before, but I've read my friends blogs on MySpace.

I consider myself to be a lifelong learner. I've never thought about my habits until reading/hearing the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners. I can relate and agree on those habits with the exception of #1 - Begin with the end in mind.

I disagree with that since learning is never complete. I am always learning and am constantly challenging myself to be better, faster, more efficient, etc. Yes, I may have finished my goal, but I am always thinking ahead of how I can do it better for the next project based on the finished project. There is no end in mind for me and I can not change that kind of thinking.