Friday, June 13, 2008


At the moment, and for a while, I haven't really read any good books. I've only read college textbooks, business magazines, and some of my children's books. Now that I've finished college, you would think I would be reading more, but there's always something else happening. At least I actually read the newspaper everyday. I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but at least I am keeping my brain cells working by doing all the puzzles everyday.

For my LibraryThing catalog, I have entered the books that my youngest child will be reading this summer for his required summer reading. I was able to only find 9 out of 11. You can see it here at Not only will my son read those books, but I will also read it after him since I gave him a worksheet to fill out. When I have more time, I will research why the other 2 books did not show up easily when I was searching.

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