Monday, June 16, 2008

Web 2.0 and Library 2.0

Web 2.0 has provided education, entertainment, and edutainment. Library 2.0 has provided the same. While the 2.0 movement is great for many, there are others that aren't benefiting from it because they can't. It helps to have a computer and Internet access. If you don't have that at home or school, then you can go to your local library, if and only if you have the means to get there. That is you need a vehicle or money to pay for public transportation, if one is available in your area. What if you don't have access to any of it?

In this day and age, there are still many without access to transportation, computer, or Internet. While Library 2.0 is great, let's not forget the basics and serve our community, all of them.

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