Monday, June 16, 2008


In performing URL search of, it displayed 74 blog reactions today. In reviewing the list, it showed most were old and outdated; some blogs were no longer active.

In performing tag search of web 2.0, it displayed 23,732 posts. When clicking on related tags, the following were listed:
web2.0 43,278 posts
web-20 2,805 posts
web20 1,287 posts
web_2.0 95 posts

That was only for web 2.0 and their variations and not the actual related tags, i.e. technology, tech, blogging, Internet, etc.

While this is great in theory, in practice, it can be pretty overwhelming. Just look at how many different ways web 2.0 has been tagged. Since there is no standardization to tagging, you can end up with too many multiple tags for the same thing. With that, you just end up clicking on related tags to see if you find the one you are looking for or want to read. It just takes too much time and effort.

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